

You achieve the following though the available configuration options:

Enable or disable

You can enable or disable the plugin by tweaking the enabled flag or by setting the CRONBOARD_ENABLED environment variable.

Tweak discovery rules

Cronboard inspects your codebase for commands and tasks it can use (see Usage). By default it will look in your app_path folder, but you can tweak this behaviour.

You can include additional paths to look into and specify paths or specific classes that to be ignored.

Here's an example discovery configuration:

return [
    // ...
    'discovery' => [
        'paths' => [
        'ignore' => [
        // ...
    // ...

There are some additional options dealing with third party commands - loaded from your project's package dependacies. By default Cronboard will record all third party commands that have been scheduled by your console kernel.

You can optionally enabled the recording of any and all other commands provided by other packages, including Laravel's own built in commands:

return [
    // ...
    'discovery' => [
        // ...
        'commands' => [
            'include_third_party' => false,

            'exclude_namespaces' => [

            'restrict_to_namespaces' => [

Configure error handling

By default any errors that occur within the Cronboard package are silenced i.e. the exceptions are caught. This is done to prevent them from interfering with your scheduled tasks and make sure these run even in the case of network or other issues. Silenced exceptions are passed on to your application's ExceptionHandler binding.

From the configuration you can adjust this behavior by using the errors.silent and flags.

{success} Cronboard will handle any exceptions (external to your codebase) in order to make sure your scheduled tasks run, even when there are connectivity issues with the dashboard.

Available settings

Key Type Default Description
enabled boolean true Enable or disable Cronboard
discovery.paths array app_path A list of paths to look through during the discovery process
discovery.ignore array A list of paths or class names to ignore during the discovery process
discovery.include_third_party boolean false Toggle the discovery of commands in third party packages
discovery.exclude_namespaces array Illuminate\\ A list of namespace prefixes that will be excluded when loading third party commands
discovery.restrict_to_namespaces array A list of namespace prefixes to restrict the loading of third party commands
client.token string CRONBOARD_TOKEN Cronboard API token for your project
errors.silent boolean true Silence and catch any exceptions caused by network or API connectivity issues boolean true Report any exceptions caused by network or API connectivity issues

Recording your schedule

After you're done with adjustments to your configuration you can preview what information will be sent to Cronboard:

php artisan cronboard:preview

This allows you to double check that you are not passing any information that you want to keep private.

Once your project has been set up and you are happy with your configuration - you can record your schedule. You can do that by running:

php artisan cronboard:record

This will inspect your application and record information based on your discovery configuration.


{primary} Add php artisan cronboard:record to your deployment pipeline.

If you're using an automated deployment process we recommend you add the cronboard:record command to your deployment pipeline.

This will make sure that any changes to your schedule are reported back to Cronboard as soon as they reach your production servers.